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06/04/2015 -

8th Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona Regatta 

15/7/2015 To 18/7/2015
The Reial Club Nàutic de Barcelona will be hosting the 8th Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona Regatta from 15th to 18th July.
The beauty of the vintage boats together with classic boats built between 1950 and 1975, and the imposing Big Boats, some of which are over 30 metres long, make this competition a true event on the Barcelona sea.
The 8th Puig Vela Clàssica Barcelona Regatta is part of the prestigious competition calendar of the International Committee of the Mediterranean and that’s why it will once again attract large numbers of boats from around Europe and other continents.
Place: Reial Club Nàutic de Barcelona | Moll d'Espanya s/n 08039 Barcelona 
Web site: www.rcnb.com


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